Saturday, October 12, 2019

Failures in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Essay example -- Paper

Failures in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Arthur Miller develops a number of significant and central themes throughout the play using techniques such as characterization, setting and language. The best explored theme in the play is the theme of failure and disappointments. 'Death of a Salesman' is a modern day play about a salesman, Willy Loman, his life and his failures in a success driven society and world. He is a victim of "The American Dream" destroyed by false promises and ideals. As the play unravels we realize that he more than just a financial failure but also socially, personally and morally. These failures and faults are not only confined to him but they rub off on his family. The storyline shoots from present day to past throughout the play this does not affect the theme of Failure very much but helps us understand and realize how these failures came about. Willy's entire life is a succession of missed opportunities and chances, and he considers himself a failure because of it. At the beginning of Act 1 we see him failing to make the drive to his business appointment, so he's going to miss out on making a sale because of it. So our first impression of the man is him failing to deliver. As the play proceeds we see Willy comparing himself to his relations or friends realizing that he is even more of a failure. Willy is a failure when compared to his father. Ben asserts "that he could sell more in a week than Willy could in a lifetime". He is represented as someone who was successful in his own way as Ben tells us: 'Great inventor, father. With one gadget he made more in a week than a man like ... ... could not handle it so commits suicide. This is interesting as his death was a financial failure too as life insurance does not cover suicide. His funeral was a failure because no one apart from his close family Charlie and Bernard came. So no matter how sad it sounds but Willy Loman's life was an entire failure. Until this day Willy Loman is a symbol of failure because of society's false value system. This play is based the mid 20th century when success was achieved through hardwork and industry and wit and charm would not earn you a living and this is the main reason Willy Loman failed in life. The play is one of the great tragedies and is a very depressing experience for the audience. No matter how much Willy deserved to fail because of his poor value and morality we cannot but feel sorry for this confused man.

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